To therapy or not to therapy? Here are my thoughts…….
Why is it that therapy or counseling is looked at by most as an embarrassing thing or something to be shameful of
Like as if knowing there is a concern within oneself and seeking another’s reason and help on it isn’t a POWERFUL move, hard as hell for most to admit, to take the step to making that first appointment.
Your mind is a beautiful thing but can feel like the devil at times.
In my eyes that’s a damn hero move.
Check this,
You wouldn’t try and screw a screw in the wall by bare hand, you would grab screwdriver for assistance not because you are weak or lacking strength but because that tool has a purpose and we know that, so we use it.
We don’t shame ourself because we needed that screwdriver in order to accomplish the task.
It makes the process more efficient, creates less struggle and to allow the process to be less painful while trying to accomplish the main goal.
Thats what therapy does folks. No matter how much you are struggling or going through or as little as you are going through or struggling with.
Its a tool for you to use to create less struggle, get clarity, provides efficiency, provides a purpose and will give direction along the way.
As humans we don’t want to deal with our uncomfortable, our vulnerability or struggles.
Why? Because we are scared to accept the truth of all our messed up thoughts or feelings or wrong parts of us.
But I guarantee the main reason is because we are scared to feel shame or get shamed by others if we accept that we need help in our lives outside our self.
We’ve gotta stop shaming each other for using tools that are right in front of us and be more encouraging to not pass an opportunity to become better.
In my mind, we don’t accept them we become foolish. And why become foolish just because we care what the next guy thinks of us.
*Therapy isn’t for the messed up *Therapy isn’t for the weak
*Therapy is for the strong*Therapy is for the encouraging
Therapy is for the ones that know their great but want to become greater.
#selfcare #becomingbetter #acceptinghelp #therapyisatool #dontbeshamed #healthylife #lifestyle #greaterthings #life #happylife #selfimprovements #dedication #therapy #clarity #struggleisreal #realisgood #vulnerability #therealyou #youarestrong #notweak #healthcare #speakup #talkinghelps #itsokaytonotbeokay
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